Don Coscarelli, the man behind the legendary Phantasm franchise, has a new film on the horizon. It's an adaptation of Jason Pargin darkly humorous horror novel, John Dies at the End. The story surround 2 Slackers and their encounters with an hallucinogenic drug that has a sinister effect on its users. Chase Williamson and Rob Mayes play the leads with supporting roles going to the more familiar faces of Paul Giamatti and Clancy Brown.
But it's not all good for Coscarelli as its likely that his sequel to comedy horror Bubba Ho-Tep is unlikely to happen. The film, titled 'Bubba Nosferatu: Curse of the She-Vampires' was to star Bruce Campbell who was to reprise his role as an aging Elvis Presley. Unfortunately, Campbell isn't willing to work with the director again in order 'to preserve their friendship'. Whatever that means. It's a pity as Paul Giamatti was also meant to star playing the Kings manipulative manager, Colonel Parker.
Trailer for John Dies at the End:
I didn't really get into the book - Would you recommend it? The trailer looks fantastic, though...